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At JK Events, the safety of our visitors is our top priority, and we are pleased to say we have an impeccable safety record.

We want children to have a fun and thrilling experience while they play in our inflatable attractions, but we also want parents to feel secure and confident in the safety measures we have in place.

To ensure the safety of our guests, we follow strict guidelines and regulations for the operation and maintenance of our inflatable attractions. All of our equipment is regularly inspected and maintained by certified professionals under the HSE approved ADIPS or PIPA schemes, and we use high-quality materials and anchoring systems to ensure stability and durability.

We also have a team of trained staff members who are present at all times to monitor the children and ensure that everyone is playing safely. Our staff members are knowledgeable about our attractions and are trained to respond quickly in the event of an emergency.

In addition, we have a set of safety rules that all guests must follow when using our inflatable attractions. These rules include things like:

– Removing shoes and any sharp objects before entering the inflatable attractions

– Not jumping or climbing on the walls or netting

– Not flipping or somersaulting on the attractions

– Not bringing food, drinks, or gum into the attractions

At our events, we take the safety of our guests seriously and strive to create a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone. We encourage parents to talk to their children about the importance of following the rules and staying safe while they play.